Instructor Certification and Resources#

Growing the Sport Initiative Logo
(Photo by USA Racquetball)

Are you interested in becoming a USA Racquetball Certified Instructor/Coach? If so, this is the place to start. Below you will find information on why you should become a certified instructor, steps to become a certified instructor, and other resources that will help you on your exciting journey of teaching new players the amazing game of racquetball.

Why You Should Become a Certified Instructor

There are many benefits to becoming a certified instructor – please read all about them (and how to complete the process) Here:

Steps to Becoming Certified Instructor

1) Become a USA Racquetball member: Go to this link, and select Adult Membership -1 Year:

2) Read the USA Racquetball Instructor's Program Manual – LINK

  • Purchase and Take the IP Instructor Test (see instructions HERE)
  • Watch the instructional video (available from your membership home page once you purchase the IP Instructor Test - LINK.
  • NOTE: Once you pass the test, USA Racquetball will reimburse you for the exam fee – email for details and reimbursement.

3) Take Safe Sport training

4) Get a background check

5) Take a CPR-class

  • You can do this online or in person, depending on your preference
  • Some online options:

i. Red Cross CPR Class

ii. National CPR Foundation

• If you want to take an in-person class, Google “CPR Courses” in your area

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a USA Racquetball Certified Instructor!

Here you will find resources to help you on your journey as an instructor/coach.

The Rules of Racquetball – Start with the rules. Here, they are online and can also be downloaded in PDF format.

USA Racquetball Instructor's Program Manual – In depth information about racquetball and coaching

Link to Instructional Video – Shows a series of lessons on how to play/teach racquetball

LINK to Waiver – This waiver can be used by students and parents to protect everyone’s rights and privacy.

How to Start a Junior's Racquetball Program at Your Club, Author Lynette Froehlich - a "How to" digital 7-lesson manual with step-by-step instructions including videos on how to teach new players (juniors and adults) the game of racquetball.

Dan Whitley’s High School Program Manual

Editable Promotional Flyer (coming soon)

Instructor Newsletters – Lots on information and tips from established USA-Racquetball certified instructors on training, nutrition, coaching at all levels, and much, much more.