Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS) at the 3WallBall World Championships


by Terry Rogers

Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS) Logo
Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS)

MACS was honored once again to be invited to the 3WallBall World Championships. MACS was chosen as the charity for the Pro-Am Charity Doubles which included 14 gracious donors teaming with LPRT/IRT Pros. MACS Executive Director Steven Harper and Board Member Terry Rogers were on hand to run the charity doubles.  A big shout-out and thank you to Mike Coulter for the invitation and to the donors and pros for their enthusiastic participation.

MACS was also given the opportunity to host a special Adaptive Division within the tournament. There were eight players (five from the Las Vegas VA and three from the Phoenix VA) along with their coaches, Terry Rogers and Raymond Bierner, who were honored to be a part of the event. The adaptive players were those who have completed in one or more of the eight-week racquetball clinics hosted by MACS within their respective areas.  Players competed in round robin doubles and were paired with wonderful volunteers Friday and Saturday morning for several hours. When all was said and done, Ken Shockley from Tennessee (recently moved from Las Vegas) emerged victorious.

Spectators and players were welcomed at the MACS booth throughout the weekend to place silent auction bids and learn more about our country-wide programs. Thank you to all those who participated. You helped MACS serve more veterans!

To learn more about MACS, visit https://militaryadaptivecourtsports.org or contact Terry Rogers at rogersta@comcast.net.

Adaptive Division Players
Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS)
Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS)
Pro-Am Charity Doubles
Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS)

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