“How to Play Racquetball" Video Contest

by USA Racquetball

How to Play Racquetball Video Contest
(Photo by USA Racquetball)
You could win money! 1st Place video Wins $1,000.
Runner-up prizes include Gift Cards and Merchandise.
The deadline for submission is December 31, 2024

USA Racquetball wants your videos. The winning  video(s) will be branded by USA Racquetball and included on USA Racquetball’s YouTube channel, social media platforms, and website.

Submit your best “How to play racquetball” video. Indoor or outdoor video (e.g., one wall, 3wall, etc.)


  • Basic equipment and safety (racquet, eye guards, tether, court shoes)
  • Basic rules to serve, rally, and score.
  • Where to stand in the court.
  • How a game and match are won (Basic rules: 2 games to 15, tiebreaker to 11, points earned when you serve only).
  • Maximum 3 minutes.
  • Keep it simple.

Wish list:

  • Show diversity.
  • Be creative.
Contest Rules:

General Description

USA Racquetball is seeking submissions by USA Racquetball members of their “How to Play Racquetball” videos. This contest aims to promote the sport by offering and promoting to the public information on how to play racquetball.

USA Racquetball Video Contest - Procedures for Submission

1. Persons wishing to enter may send as many different videos as they wish to jonathan@usaracquetball.com.

2. Include this signed registration page in the email.

3. Videos should be horizontal and a .mov file.

4. By submitting a video, entrants agree that USA Racquetball has the right to use, publish, and promote any content you or your delegates provide. You grant to the USA Racquetball the following intellectual property rights:

  1. The exclusive right to publish the provided content on USA Racquetball websites, social media outlets, brochures, and promotional publications, including but not limited to Racquetball Magazine as it pertains to USA Racquetball.
  2. The exclusive right to use selections from the content in the advertising and promoting USA Racquetball and USA Racquetball publications, digital and otherwise.
  3. You warrant that the content does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, contract, or proprietary rights of others or contain anything libelous or defamatory, and you agree to indemnify and hold USA Racquetball harmless against any final judgment resulting from the falsity of the foregoing warranties.  You also warrant that you have the right to provide content, including images, to USA Racquetball for publication, including necessary permission from photographers and waivers from individuals in such images.

4. The deadline to submit all videos is December 31, 2024.

Click HERE to download the Video Submission Form