Spotlight On: Dan Whitley


by Karen Grisz & Stephen Deves

Dan Whitley headshot
Dan Whitley
Sometimes, it’s the simple, unexpected encounters in life that lead to the greatest impact. At least, that’s the case with Dan Whitley and his journey through the sport of racquetball.

Many in this community know Dan for his longtime involvement in the sport; as a player, coach, and even President of USA Racquetball from 2016-2022. His passion goes back to the second grade, when he picked up a racquet for the first time. “I started playing back then just as a way to bond with my parents. I had no idea how much it would impact my life.” Dan told us in a recent interview. Soon after, he was hooked. He won his first A Division tournament in high school and then frequently competed in Open while playing for the University of Missouri. Upon graduating, he knew that his time in racquetball was far from over.

He began playing at the national level, competing in tournaments all over the country, including the US Open which he made a priority every year. During this era of competition is when he began to feel a connection to the larger racquetball community, something he would realize was far more important to him than the success on the court.

Playing racquetball would always be a part of his life, but it was a random conversation with an acquaintance in 2002 and a serendipitous string of events that would change his trajectory forever. A friend of his mentioned that their home club in St. Louis - Vetta Sports - was hiring. Despite the enticing idea, he was happy with his current corporate job and wasn’t going to consider it. However, just two days later he was unexpectedly laid off, leading him to apply for the open Vetta position after all. “In the job interview, I got along great with the owner of the club and I was excited about the idea of working with kids in this sport that I love,” Whitley said. 23 years later, he continues to love what he does.

Dan Whitley is the General Manager of Vetta Racquet Sports, directing many tennis and racquetball facilities across St. Louis. He also serves as a private instructor, a coach for Kirkwood High School, the President of the Missouri Racquetball Association (MORA), and his favorite role - Director of the Missouri High School Racquetball Association (MOHSRA). Under his leadership, St. Louis has developed the largest and most robust high school racquetball program in the nation. He credits the dedicated individuals and coaches for helping this program continue to thrive.”My favorite part is that almost all of the coaches once played in the high school league. These people make this community so special.”

Kirkwood Racquetball Team
Dan Whitley

Today, there are over 600 players in the high school and middle school league, across 20 different teams. They host matches every day after school, two league-wide tournaments throughout the season, a competitive State Championship, and many of the players participate in High School Nationals (this year in Portland, OR from February 26-March 2).

Recently, his goal has been to help other interested cities start their own high school program. With the help of some other coaches in the league, they have written a How-To Manual, which can be found on our website.

“All you need is coaches, courts, and players. If you’ve got the passion, you can make it happen.” Whitley said when we asked if he thinks other cities can replicate what St. Louis has done. He truly believes that racquetball can be a home for any kid looking for one. “It’s all about fellowship. Develop community, character, and friendships and the other stuff will follow.”

The fellowship aspect of the sport runs deep for Whitley. In addition to the numerous friendships and connections it’s created, the sport literally created a family. Three years into his job at Vetta, during a tournament at the club, he met his wife Meghan. A random conversation at the water fountain led to a marriage and two kids, Evan and Morgan, each of whom now play. “Nothing compares to watching my kids play the same sport that has meant so much to me and seeing them find their own joy in it. I never forced them to play and they have their own unique approaches to the game but we all share a passion. That means everything. Racquetball has defined our family.”

Dan Whitley & Family, December 2025
Dan Whitley

With over 40 years in the sport, he has experienced countless memories that have shaped him. When asked to pick a favorite, he chose the 2007 High School National Championships. He was coaching Cor Jesu Academy at the time, an all-girl team. In his pep talk, he was trying to motivate them towards a top five finish. One of his players stood up and said “why can’t we win?” She turned to her teammates and asked each of them if they believed they could win it all. One by one, they each stood up and proclaimed their confidence that they could. Cor Jesu went on to win the National Championships that year and Dan Whitley will never forget it. “It was truly an unbelievable experience, like out of a movie.”

2007 Cor Jesu team
Dan Whitley

Unexpected moments, encounters, and people have guided Whitley along a beautiful journey. He hopes to be one of those guides for others as they find their love for this great sport.

Dan Whitley at the National Masters Racquetball Association Event
Cindy Tilbury

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