USA Racquetball Rules: 11 - Ladies Professional Racquetball Tour (LPRT)#

The Professional divisions at LPRT events will follow USAR rules, with the following modifications.

Matches begin (i.e. players are on court with the referee and ready to begin) when the match is scheduled or no later than 15 minutes following a previous match if the schedule is delayed. A player is responsible for warming up before that time.

A player may not warm up after the designated start time or, if the schedule is delayed, after 15 minutes following the previous match.

A player who is not available to play within 5 minutes following the official start time automatically receives a forfeit.

A player who is not on the court with the referee ready to play at the designated start time, but arrives before the 5-minute forfeit time limit, will receive a technical for delay of game. The player is not entitle to a warm up and must immediately begin the match.

If a player arrives before the 5-minute forfeit time limit, but is not immediately ready to play (e.g. they must change shoes), the player will receive a technical for delay of game, and the official will deduct a one-minute timeout from the player’s first game. If the player needs one additional minute, the final timeout can be assessed. If the player is still not ready to begin, a second technical is assessed for an additional delay of game. Consequently, the player is forfeited from the competition for 2 identical technicals.

If a player is on the court (e.g. warming up) but is not ready to play when called to do so by the official (e.g. they need to change clothes, use the bathroom), a technical will be assessed. If the player does not respond to the call to play, even after the technical has been assessed, the official may assess a second technical. Consequently, the player is forfeited from the competition for 2 identical technicals.

The match official, LPRT Commissioner, and Deputy Commissioner all have the authority to enforce warnings or technicals when necessary.

The penalty for using an illegal racquet is a technical. The opposing player/team may request a racquet evaluation. The penalty for requesting that an opponent’s racquet be evaluated (commonly for length) resulting in the racquet being declared legal will be a technical on the requesting team/player for delay of game.

One Touch. The player or team attempting to return the ball may touch or strike the ball only once or else the rally is lost. The ball may not be carried. A carried ball is one that rests on the racquet long enough that the effect is more of a sling or throw than a hit.

Out of Court Ball.

1. After return (with a bounce). Any ball returned to the front wall which, after its first bounce on the floor, goes above the out-of-court line or through any opening in a side wall shall be declared dead and the rally replayed.

2. After return (without a bounce). Any ball which, on the rebound, does not bounce on the floor and goes above the out- of-court line shall be an out or point against the offending player. If the ball goes through any opening in a side wall, it shall be declared dead and the rally replayed.

An avoidable hinder results in the loss of the rally for the offending player. An avoidable hinder does not necessarily have to be an intentional act.

Equipment Interference. If a player loses any part of their equipment that interferes with play the referee will halt play and call an avoidable hinder. The loss of eye protection is an automatic avoidable hinder, as is the dislodging of the safety cord from the wrist.

Rule 11.5 Equipment Timeouts

A timeout may be called by the referee at the request of a player and after substantiation by the referee, because of faulty equipment or clothing. Two minutes are to be allowed for any clothing adjustment needed and thirty seconds for any equipment adjustment.

Coaching. Where coaches are involved, coaches or team representatives are bound by the same rules as far as technicals are concerned and any infractions are charge against the player. No coaches or representatives are allowed onto the courts at any time during a match unless granted permission by the referee. Failure to observe this rule is a technical and will be charged against the player. Any coach or player conducting themselves in a negative manner towards the referee or linesperson of a match shall receive the following penalties:

(a) First Offense-technical warning (minimum)

(b) Subsequent Offenses-technical on the coach/person’s player or team.

Order of Serve. Each team shall inform the referee of the order of service which shall be followed throughout that game. The order of serve may be changed between games, once the referee has been notified.

There will be an automatic screen serve in doubles when the ball goes behind the body of the server’s partner.

In any match using line judges, players are allowed 3 lost appeals per game. An appeal is considered lost when the referee’s call is upheld, unless the ruling is inconclusive.

If a player feels the referee has interpreted the rules incorrectly, the player may require the referee, commissioner, or deputy commissioner to cite the applicable rule in the rulebook. Having discovered a misapplication or misinterpretation, the official must correct the error by replaying the rally, awarding the point, calling sideout, or taking other corrective measures.

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