USA Racquetball Rules: E - Procedures#

To ensure the orderly growth of racquetball, the USAR has established specific procedures that are followed before a major change is made to the rules of the game.

NOTE: Changes to rules and regulations in Sections 1 through 10 must adhere to published rule change procedures. Remaining sections may be altered by vote of the USAR Board of Directors*.

Rule change proposals must be submitted in writing to the USAR National Office by June 1st.

The USAR Board of Directors will review all proposals at its Fall board meeting and determine which will be considered.

Selected proposals will appear in RACQUETBALL Magazine -- the official USAR publication -- as soon as possible after the Fall board meeting for comment by the general membership.

After reviewing membership input and the recommendations of the National Rules Committee and National Rules Commissioner, the proposals are discussed and voted upon at the annual Board of Directors meeting in May.

Changes approved in May become effective on September 1st. Exception: changes in racquet specifications become effective 2 years later on September 1st.

Proposed rules that are considered for adoption in one year, but are not approved by the Board of Directors in May of that year, will not be considered for adoption the following year. However, a proposed rule that is tabled at the May Board Meeting for additional discussion or review, must be adjudicated by the Board of Directors by July 1 of the same year.

* The following policies & procedures segments are subject to stated rule change procedures outlined in E.1:

  • A.6 Round Robin Scoring
  • A.8 Tournament Conduct
  • B.5 (d-g) Forfeitures, Defaults
  • B.6 Line Judges
  • B.7 Appeals
  • B.8 Outcome of Appeals

Otto Dietrich, National Rules Commissioner

35805 North 34th Lane

Phoenix, AZ 85086

678-575-8975 (Cell phone)


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