Kelley Beane | Manchester, New Hampshire
(Contributor, Inducted 2021)
Kelley Beane, of Manchester, New Hampshire, was nominated by Cindy Tilbury and Cheryl Gudinas along with recommendations from Shane Wood and Eric Muller. Her career highlights demonstrate the impressive scope of her contributions to the lives of others over a span of 30 years.
In their recommendations supplementing Kelley’s nomination, Wood, Muller, and Gudinas all emphasized the life-changing impact Coach Kelley Beane had on her junior players.
Shane Wood shared this account describing just one example of Kelley’s far-reaching influence on young lives:
“The thing with Kelley is that it’s not just about the titles, it is the memories and the class that she brought to these kids and the program. I’ll share a story everyone may have already heard. In 2002 (I believe, might have been 2003), Dan Sheppick hit a shot that won him the world title against Gil De Los Rios and Dan overturned it himself because he knew that it skipped. He ended up losing the match and Kelley gave so much praise at the team meeting that evening about the importance of doing the right thing, always trusting in your own conscience and the impact that makes in your life. That was the stuff that really mattered the most.”

Aimee Roehler | Whitehouse Station, NJ
(Amateur Open, Inducted 2021)
Aimee Ruiz, of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, was nominated by Jonathan Clay with a recommendation by Dave Ellis.
Jonathan Clay said, in part: "I have known Aimee for approximately 20 years and have been lucky enough to witness her greatness within the sport from just about every angle. I met Aimee when I was in college right around 2000, and at that time she was already a world champion, national champion many times over, and one of the best female players in the history of USA Racquetball. It was over the next 20 years, however, that she would solidify her legacy as the greatest female doubles player of all time, and potentially one of the best OVERALL doubles players of all time, regardless of gender. When you bring in women’s doubles and mixed doubles, there is no one in the history of the sport with more doubles titles, and Aimee even has a national singles title on her résumé as well. She has literally beaten every single legend the game has to offer over the course of three or maybe even four different decades. There are not many athletes in this sport that can say that they have beaten Paola Longoria on the world stage, and Aimee has done it."
Dave Ellis added, in part: "This is certainly one of the easiest letters of recommendation I have ever written, both in my capacities as Team USA Coach and as a schoolteacher of 38 years. Aimee is an overwhelmingly worthy candidate for induction into the USAR Hall of Fame."