Junior Team USA at World Junior Championships in Guatemala City, Guatemala


by Cheryl Kirk, Team Leader, U.S. Junior Team and Delegation

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Disclaimer: This article is so long it needs its own Table of Contents. There’s no other way to fully convey the experiences of the U.S. Junior Team Delegation in Guatemala City!


Trip Timeline

Meet the Athletes and Staff

Family and Coaching Support

Good Stuff to Know

Opening Ceremonies

Competition Schedule and Format

Results -- USA Racquetball 2024 IRF World Juniors -- U.S. Team Medalists and Team Competition

Thank You’s – So Much to Say!


Here we go...


Ups and downs, on and off the court, punctuated the U.S. Junior Team Delegation’s representation of USA Racquetball and Racquetball fans across the country at in Tarija, Bolivia, November 10-18, 2023. In two words, the IRF 35th World Junior Championships trip can be summarized as “Mission Accomplished.” The journey to Guatemala was another example of Racquetball family coming together to share a common experience. When you live through wins, and losses, and discovery of another country’s culture, and getting to know your fellow travelers, the experience goes well beyond love of the sport itself. It creates friendships that will last a very long time.

Trip Timeline

Arrivals 12/4-6
Practice 12/5-6
Opening Ceremonies 12/6
Matches 12/7-14
Awards Ceremony 12/14
Departures 12/15

Meet the Athletes and Staff

37 junior athletes ranging from 22 years to 8 years old

8 U.S. Junior Team Staff members

51 parents, siblings, friends, and support staff eager to be there for the Team

That’s 96 in the delegation – it’s a record!

The 37 athletes hail from 10 states: California (16), Missouri (6), Texas (5), Oregon (3), Iowa (2), Illinois (1), Minnesota (1), Nevada (1), New York (1), and Tennessee (1)

World Cup (21/18/16)

Eshan Ali  (CA)

Ella Boaz (MO)

Iain Dunn (OR)

Annika Fiedler (OR)

Benjamin Horner (IA)

Ava Kaiser (MN)

DJ Mendoza  (TX)

Victoria Rodriguez  (CA)

Naomi Ros  (TX)

Nathan Rykhus  (CA)

Annie Sanchez (OR)

Paul Saraceno (CA)

Cole Sendrey (TX)

Aanshi Thakur (CA)

Montserrat Torres (IL)

Esprit Cup (14/12/10)

Yana Alegria-Gonzalez (TX)

Sarah Bawa (CA)

Alexis Boyko (MO)

Reyansh Chandel (CA)

Shreya Chandel  (CA)

Nyasa Gupta (CA)

Scott Haacke (NY)

Zane Horner (IA)

Noah Jackola (TX)

Ryan Joeckel (MO)

Ava Leister (TN)

Vaishant Mangalampalli  (CA)

Sloka Marivada  (CA)

Jasur Pridatko (CA)

Sameera Rai  (CA)

Aaradhya Raja  (CA)

Ayan Sharma  (CA)

Aarya Shetty  (CA)

Addie Strobach (MO)

Nicolas Suarez (MO)

Dhruv Vemulapalli (CA)

Grant Williams  (MO)

U.S. Junior Team Coaches/Staff

Robbie Collins - Head Coach (HI)

Jen Meyer - Esprit Coach (CO)

George Bustos - Assistant Coach (TX)

Pablo Fajre - Assistant Coach (CA)

Bobby Horn - Assistant Coach (CA)

Adam Manilla - Assistant Coach (CA)

Dr. Meghan Rohde – Sports Physical Therapist (NH)

Cheryl Kirk - Team Leader (IL)

Joe Hall (TX) and Cindy Tilbury (CA) were there to support the team as well!  

Family and Coaching Support

The U.S. Junior Team Delegation will total 96 once everyone arrived in Guatemala! Family members and friends numbering 51 were also there in support of the Team. And, six dads** did double duty as coaches for their own players and others, alongside the U.S. Junior Team Coaches.

They are: Surekha Anantharaman, Buzulagu Aizezi, Anwar Ali**, Megan Barrington, Joumana Bawa, Waseem Bawa, Kadambari Beelwar, Sirisha Bhimineni, Brandiss Boaz, Mark Boyko, Ram Chandel, Amie Fiedler, Lilia Figueroa de Alegria, Bryon Haacke**, Dan Horner, Melissa Horner, David Joeckel, Rhonda Kimler, Nagamalli Kovya, Vineet Kumar, Kelly Leister, Sameer Mangalampalli**, Satya Marivada, David Mendoza, Ruchika Mohan, Raja Muthuraman, Almira Pridatko, Sathwik Rai, Drohn Raja, Bryan Roberts, Danielle Roberts, Victor Rodriguez, Sarah Rykhus, Steve Rykhus**, Jonathan Sanchez-Simancas, Pam Sanders, Kevin Sendrey, Shrinivas Shetty, Ritu Singh, Ashley Strobach, Jorge Suarez**, Rakesh Thakur, Adolfo Jairo Torres**, Claudia Torres, Balaji Vemulapalli, Dhathri Vemulapalli, Preetu Vashista, Colleen Williams, and Miles Williams

Good Stuff to Know

Altitude – 4,920 ft. above sea level

Weather – 76 deg. day/63 deg. in evening

Currency –  Quetzal (same as the national bird))   1 USD = 7.72 GTQ      

Competition Divisions and Awards

Singles and Doubles, including Mixed Doubles, were competed in all age divisions. Medals were awarded (Gold, Silver, Bronze) as were Boys and Girls Team trophies. The Team competition was divided into two overall age categories: World Cup (21 & Under, 18 & Under, and 16 & Under) and Esprit Cup (14 & Under, 12 & Under, and 10 & Under).

Countries In Attendance

** The countries, their abbreviations and number of athletes from each stacked up this way:

Argentina (ARG, 1); Bolivia (BOL, 43); Canada (CAN, 12); Chile (CHI, 15); Colombia (COL, 6); Costa Rica (CRI, 33); Cuba (CUB, 1); Dominican Republic (DOM, 2), Ecuador (ECU, 28); Guatemala (GUA, 19); South Korea (1), Mexico (MEX, 35); Peru (2) ; United States (USA, 41). That’s 239 in all, and it added up to A TON of matches over the course of the eight-day competition.  

Opening Ceremonies -- Friday, December 6

Everyone in the delegation attended Opening Ceremonies at 5:30 pm at the Domo Polideportivo de la CDAG*.

The Domo Polideportivo de la CDAG, known commonly as Domo de la Zona 13, or simply as Domo (dome, due to the type of its roof structure), is a multi-purpose arena in Guatemala City. Built to host the 2000 FIFA Futsal World Championship, it is located in the Zone 13 of the Guatemalan capital.

There was some concern that traffic would be a major factor and deterrent to a smooth Opening Ceremonies Friday evening. Traffic jams...nearly 400 projected attendees. How would buses make their way from the hotel to Domo and back again? It could easily become an exercise in bus-ride frustration, for sure. BUT...something so surprising took place that changed everything. As the buses pulled away from the hotel, police motorcycle sirens began blaring in front and from behind. Major intersections were temporarily blocked along the way by more motorcycles to allow the buses to move semi-freely through the streets over to the club. We had a police escort! It was really cool in part and also fairly deafening...but mostly just cool. What’s even more impressive and memorable is that this practice continued for every bus back and forth for the entire length of the event.

Competition Schedule and Format

Matches commenced on Saturday morning, December 7. Match Format was Best of 5 games to 11 points, all games won by 2 points. Rally scoring (a point scored on every rally regardless of server or receiver winning the rally) was used.  Matches began at 9:00 am each morning through the following Saturday, December 14, and ended each day around 8:00 pm. The Official Ball was Gearbox Sleek Black. 

RESULTS -- USA Racquetball 2024 IRF World Juniors -- U.S. Team Medalists 

Team USA medaled in 29 divisions where, during the Awards Ceremony, they had the opportunity to take their places on the medals stand. Photo ops were plentiful, and each received not only their medal but a mascot doll as well, a practice often seen in Olympic Chain events. Congratulations to our medalists!

GOLD (1)

Boys Singles 14 Blue - Vaishant Mangalampalli (CA)


Girls Singles 12 White - Aaradhya Raja (CA)

Boys Singles 14 Red - Grant Williams (MO)

Girls Singles 14 White - Sarah Bawa (CA)

Boys Doubles 14 - Vaishant Mangalampalli (CA) / Grant Williams (MO)

Girls Doubles 16 - Montserrat Torres (IL) / Victoria Rodriguez (CA)

Boys Doubles 18 - DJ Mendoza (TX) / Cole Sendrey (TX)

Mixed Doubles 18 - Naomi Ros (TX) / Cole Sendrey (TX)


Boys Singles 10 Red - Reyansh Chandel (CA)

Boys Singles 10 Blue - Ryan Joeckel (MO)

Girls Singles 10 - Yana Alegria (TX)

Girls Doubles 10 - Sameera Rai (CA) / Sloka Marivada (CA)

Boys Singles 12 White - Ryan Joeckel (MO)

Boys Singles 12 White - Noah Jackola (TX)

Girls Singles 12 White - Addie Strobach (MO)

Boys Singles 14 White - Nicolas Suarez (MO)

Girls Singles 14 White – Nyasa Gupta (CA)

Girls Singles 14 Red - Alexis Boyko (MO)

Girls Singles 14 Blue - Aarya Shetty (CA)

Boys Doubles 16 - Eshan Ali (CA) / Nathan Rykhus (CA)

Mixed Doubles 16 - Eshan Ali (CA) / Victoria Rodriguez (CA)

Girls Singles 18 - Naomi Ros (TX)

Girls Doubles 18 - Ava Kaiser (MN) / Naomi Ros (TX)

Girls Singles 21 - Annie Sanchez (OR)

Girls Doubles 21 - Ella Boaz (MO) / Annika Fiedler (OR)

Mixed Doubles 21 - Annie Sanchez (OR) / Iain Dunn (CA)

Women’s A Challenger - Cindy Tilbury (CA)  

Women’s A Challenger - Ella Boaz (MO)

Men’s A Doubles Challenger - Jairo Torres (IL) / Bryon Haacke (NY)

IRF 2024 IRF World Juniors Team Competition

In addition to individual results, points are calculated by each country’s results starting in the beginning round robin stages as well as the main draws. Points graduate upwards for quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds. Bolivia and Mexico continued strong with consistent performance in both the Esprit and World Cup categories. The USA placed very respectably, and we congratulate Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala for their success as well in the Team Competition. (Note: Overall Team combined results are not calculated at the World Juniors competition.)

 Esprit Cup (14/12/10)


1.     Bolivia

2.     Mexico

3.     Costa Rica

4.     USA


1.     Bolivia

2.     Mexico

3.     USA

4.     Ecuador


1.     Bolivia

2.     Mexico

3.     USA

4.     Ecuador

 World Cup (21/18/16)


1.     Mexico

2.     Bolivia

3.     USA

4.     Costa Rica


1.     Mexico

2.     Bolivia

3.     USA

4.     Guatemala


1.     Mexico 

2.     Bolivia

3.     USA

4.     Guatemala

Medals or no, we are extremely proud of each of our 37 Team USA athletes. Congratulations to every one for representing the United States of America honorably and with 100% effort and heart.

Final Day at the XXXV IRF World Junior Racquetball Championships
Friends & Family of USA Racquetball

Thank You’s – So Much to Say!

The U.S. Junior Team Delegation and USA Racquetball wish to deliver our gratitude to those who made this event so truly memorable:

The Host Country of Guatemala (Dr. Estuardo Wer, President) and the Local Organizing Committee*, for hosting this very successful event. The work behind the scenes was extensive. Congratulations on a job very well done! Your service to the 14 countries who came to compete was efficient, friendly, and never to be forgotten. 

*Erny Escobar, Emerson Beltetón , Zoila Ozaeta, Cindy Guerra, Heidi Sarceño, Hilda López, Angely de León, Marcela Escobar, and Madeline Guerra. 

The management and staff of Domo Complejo for providing a first-class facility for this World Juniors competition. Also, we appreciate the club employees and volunteers who kept the entire racquetball area and the courts themselves clean throughout the event.

The medical staff at Domo Complejo as well as the security officers and transportation coordinators on site are so appreciated for their presence and for their service to the delegations and athletes. 

We still can’t get over the police escorts that smoothed the way for every bus, every day. Amazing!

Additional Local Support

The staff of the Clarion Suites was friendly, efficient, and responsive to all requests. Particular thanks go to José and Jefferson for their care and friendship. 

Las Americas Exclusive Service, our ground transportation company (airport/hotel arrivals and departures), for their responsiveness and safe transport of our delegation. Marta Garcia, Javier Lopez, and their staff are always a pleasure to work with. 

IRF Staff and Referees

Twenty-one referees from 10 countries were on hand to provide a quality experience for the players (see Daily Blog #4, Sunday 12/8, on www.usaracquetball.com for their names and nationalities).

Pablo Fajre, Gary Mazaroff, and Gustavo Farell (all from the USA) and José Cruz (GUA) provided live streaming and excellent commentary for racquetball fans near and far. Nicolas Florio (Argentina) did a great job on the social media aspects and photography at this event. 

The referees and all attendees are in turn supported by a seasoned staff led by IRF President Osvaldo Maggi (ARG). They are: IRF Secretary General Mauro Grandio, Pablo Berriel, and Adrian Macrino (all from ARG) as well as Dean Schear (USA), Alberto Sánchez (VEN), and Miguel Santiago (PUR/USA).

We thank USA Racquetball’s Aimee Roehler, who stopped whatever else she might have been doing as soon as a blog and photos were ready for posting and who did a stellar job, as always, with daily coordination of social media efforts.

The parents and cheerleaders were present for every match, living every point as if they themselves were out there competing. It’s challenging to be a spectator! Much gratitude to this amazing delegation in Guatemala for taking care of our athletes AND the coaches and staff throughout the day! We never wanted for anything, and we hope you know you are so very appreciated!

It takes a village to execute a smooth trip for 96 people, and that village was mobilized at World Juniors. There was a group who personified the concept of “Yes! Now, what’s the question?” I’d like to specifically mention Jen Meyer (always there offering to assist), Cindy Tilbury (R2 schedules/results and QOTDs), Ruchika Mohan and Nyasa Gupta (special projects), Colleen Williams (general details and timely reminders), Megan Williams (photos), Claudia Torres (photos), Rhonda Kimler (tons of travel tips), Marie Gomar (grocery store runs and help with player bags), Dr. Meghan Rohde (TLC), and Tom Travers (treatment table). Remote team members Alisa Burris and Jonathan Greenberg contributed as well in many ways behind the scenes. I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, which would be easy to do because so many were unfailingly kind and supportive. Thank you, everyone!


Gearbox (Joel Arredondo and Anthony Herrera) and Pro Kennex (Michael Martinez) were there with us. Both organizations contribute significantly to the IRF as well as to USA Racquetball.

Splathead’s Joe Hall was on site the entire time. His sponsorship for a second year of the U.S. Junior Team included uniform packages, bag tags, pins...all at no charge for the athletes and staff members. We can’t say enough about Joe’s partnership and generosity.  

WIS International, a leading inventory verification and supply chain management company, for significant sponsorship support. COO Waseem Bawa gifted WIS/USA Racquetball shirts to all of the athletes and staff members, a big hit! Learn more at http://www.wisintl.com

Susan Hendricks was so kind to send a significant donation in support of the U.S. Junior Team in memory of her husband Barry who passed away in August. Barry would have loved this! We hope Susan can join us on a future trip to see the action firsthand.

Thanks so much to Lynn Yeazell of Response Graphics & Embroidery in Plainfield, Illinois, for her continual contributions behind the scenes in support of the U.S. Team and the U.S. Junior Team throughout this year. https://responsegraphics-us.com  

Special Contributions

Jen Gallagher and Antonio Olivieri (USOPC) and Angela Brenner (U.S. Embassy) helped tremendously in navigating a challenging passport glitch. 

IRF President Osvaldo Maggi and IRF Vice President Dr. Estuardo Wer have contributed their leadership and dedication to Racquetball and its development around the world. Also, thank you to Luke St. Onge and Keith Calkins whose earlier work set a solid foundation for the future. 


"When you fight with all you have and commit to exceeding expectations, you don't need a trophy to be a champion." -- Unknown

The mark of champions is how they handle themselves, win or lose, as they pursue their dreams. Congratulations to all 37 champions on the U.S. Junior Team! USA Racquetball and the U.S. Team staff couldn't be prouder of this team and this delegation. A group of 96 people arrived together, got to know each other, lamented losses, celebrated wins, and left for home as family. 

Congratulations to each and every athlete and country delegation who placed in the standings as well as those who did not. Everyone represented their countries with honor and pride, and Team USA is proud to be a member of the worldwide Racquetball family. 

Every one of you who loves this sport would have reveled in the atmosphere of passion and excitement. For closer looks at the draws and the Daily Blogs, visit:

DRAWS: www.internationalracquetball.com or on R2 Sports: https://www.r2sports.com/website/division-list.asp?TID=46434&sortBy=defaultOrder

DAILY BLOGS: Schedules, results, coaches’ comments, Questions of the Day, anecdotes, recognition, thank you’s. https://www.usaracquetball.com/news/2024/december/06/daily-blog-from-the-xxxv-irf-world-junior-racquetball-championships

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XXXV IRF World Junior Racquetball Championships#

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