2nd Year of Our Exciting Program -- WorldWide Racquetball Day May 2024 Update


by Cindy Tilbury and the USAR Membership Committee Members

By now, you have probably heard about the 2024 Worldwide Racquetball Day and have your weekend planned for September 7 and 8, 2024. The question is: Are you SIGNING UP FOR an event near you or are you HOSTING an event near you?  It’s time to GET ON THE MAP so that everyone else knows about your event. Contact Jonathan Greenberg and he will make that happen: jonathan@usaracquetball.com

Don’t miss out. We know how passionate you are about our sport, so we need you to join in the fun with the rest of the world racquetball enthusiasts. 

If you need a little support for your event, we have lots of resources for you. Start with the planning tips document on this Google Drive.  Ask for help from the resources listed, notify your player friends, but DON’T WAIT until the last minute. Find the Director Toolkit here—and start creating some buzz right away! Use the logo on your social media posts and videos. May I suggest a King of the Court doubles division, or maybe a straight round-robin tournament for your local group? Either format will provide lots of play and allow players of all levels to match up and mix up for the day. 

We would love to have all 50 states and at least 15 countries participate in 2024. Help us reach that goal and create a worldwide racquetball party this September 7th weekend. And make sure you take lots of photos and send them to Jonathan at USA Racquetball.  

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