WOR/Outdoor Racquetball Update – February 2023


by Todd Boss

WOR Tournament Schedule

As of February 2023

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Outdoor Events in 2023
Here’s a quick guide to known upcoming WOR/Outdoor racquetball events.
March 5, 2023: III Battle Target Tolleson, Tolleson HS, Tolleson, Arizona

March 5, 2023: AF Pro Series Tournament of Champions, Hollywood, Florida

March 8-12, 2023: 2023 MZ Companies Beach Bash, Hollywood, Florida

March 26, 2023: IV The Final Battle, Horizon HS, Scottsdale, Arizona

July 15-18, 2023: Outdoor Nationals, Marina Park, Huntington Beach, California
Sept 27-Oct 1, 2023: 14th Annual KWM Gutterman 3WallBall, Las Vegas, Nevada. Dates confirmed and announced 11/30/22.
Tournament Directors: if you’re planning an outdoor event and it is not on this list, PLEASE let me know and I’ll add it to the list going forward. The more awareness, the better the turnout!

Tournament Directors: When you set up your Outdoor events in R2 Sports, PLEASE make sure you select “World Outdoor Racquetball (WOR)” as your organization. That way your event will show up on the new WOR webpage we’re working on in the dynamic “Upcoming Events” widget. If your event doesn’t show up in this link below, then it isn’t referencing the correct organization in the tourney setup page.



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